    ✨ Improved Sales/Lead Management Job Proposals

    Consolidated proposal workflows

    STAGE: Drafts

      What's new?

      We're streamlining proposal workflows between the Sales and Job Management features within our platform to create a singular and consistent process for winning jobs and defining scope with your customers.

      This experience will have multiple releases over the coming months until it’s fully implemented. This roadmap card will move to Recently Launched once everything is complete.

      Planned updates, subject to change based on customer feedback, are listed below.

      Updates include:

      • Recently Launched

        • Build and format your Estimate on one page:  In our Estimate feature, we merged the Estimate Worksheet with the Build Proposal view to create the new Proposal Worksheet view. This new single-page experience is easier to use.

        • Default markups and margins: You can now add a default markup or margin per Job Type and Cost Type for line items on Estimates and Change Orders.

        • New Presale status on jobs: When setting up a job or converting from a lead, you can now select a Presale status, allowing you to segment the jobs you’re bidding from the jobs that are sold and open or completed and closed.

      • In Progress

      • In Planning

        • Better support for invoices on presale jobs: You can now allow homeowners to make online payments on a presale job for deposits or design agreements without impacting the job financials.

        • View proposal information in one place: Provide one area for builders to see all proposal-related information from both leads and jobs in one place (e.g., proposal status, date sent, last contacted, etc.).

        • An updated homeowner Proposal Dashboard: Improve homeowner visibility for all past and in-progress proposals, proposal scope options and (potentially) multiple proposals.

        • Mobile estimating support: Allow builders to view estimate and proposal data from the mobile app.

      How can I provide feedback on this release?

      To provide suggestions click What do you think of this roadmap item? on the left side of the page.

      We regularly review feedback in order to continuously improve Buildertrend. By analyzing this feedback we can identify areas for improvement, prioritize development efforts, and make enhancements that will better meet your needs. This ongoing process of review and improvement helps us ensure Buildertrend remains a valuable and effective tool.

      How can I learn more?

      To receive emails on the movement of this release or learn about iterations and updates, click Subscribe.

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